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Business, Investing, & Career Resources

Learn about businesses or topics, do industry or market reseach, explore career options, prepare for an interview, and more

Tips for Finding Statistics

  • Check the data sources used by books or articles on your topic (in the bibliography or table source).
  • Think of which organizations are likely to produce the data and check the web sites of those sources.
  • Surf the web using terms likely to appear in full-text statistical tables or reports.
  • Consult the Economic Statistics guide for major sources of statistics & data (both free and subscription resources).
  • Ask a librarian.  They are familiar with a variety of general and specialized sources.

Aggregate Investment Statistics

For data on individual investments, see the Stocks, Mutual Funds, Indexes tab instead. 

Below are resources for researching the finance industry itself and investments as a whole or aggregate (example, number of funds by category, amount invested by asset class, etc.)

Additional Research Guides