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FYSE 1489 Memory Matters

Library Computers and Labs

Main Level Computer Stations: Both the Davis Family Library and the Armstrong Science Library have computers on the main level as well as throughout the library. 

The Wilson Media Lab (LIB 220) has large-screen iMacs with media development software, including Audacity, Google Earth, and Second Life. The Digital Media Tutors provide walk-in support in the Wilson Media Lab for assignments and other media projects.

Armstrong Science Library Lab (Armstrong 161): This lab has 12 PC computers with special software, including ArcGIS, GoogleEarth Pro, and SPSS. 

Campus: there are additional computer labs throughout campus. More

Places to Study

Study carrels are located throughout both the Davis Family and Armstrong Science libraries. Some carrels are reserved for ADA use and for seniors writing theses. More


Group Study Rooms
Small group study rooms allow you to collaborate on projects, practice oral presentations, and use media without worry about disturbing other library patrons. Some study rooms are first come, first serve; others can be reserved. Some rooms have specialized digital equipment. More

  LIB 150 A-D LIB 301 A-F  Armstrong 158 Armstrong 159 Armstrong 205
Location Davis Family Davis Family Armstrong Science Armstrong Science Armstrong Science
Reservations No          No No Yes No
Media Equipment Yes No Yes Yes No
Capacity 6 4 6 8 4



Study Spaces
Upper Level Reading Areas: study in our comfy chairs overlooking the campus to the West or the mountains on the East.

Research Desk area carrels: study, surf the web, scan, and more, all with Research Librarians two steps away if you would like help.

Wilson CafeStudy with coffee and a bagel at the Wilson Cafe, located to your immediate right when walking into the library.

Bittner TerraceRead your favorite book on the library's sunny terrace overlooking the campus. Take the Atrium stairs to the upper level.

Harman Periodicals Reading Area: peruse recent print magazines and journals in comfortable chairs.

Special Collections Reading Room: research the rare and specialized holdings of the Abernathy Collection of American Literature, the College Archives, Rare Books and Manuscripts, the Helen Hartness Flanders Ballad Collection , and the Vermont Collection in a comfortable reading area with plenty of table space. Located in LIB 101 on the Lower Level.

Armstrong Science Library Quiet Study Areas: Enjoy a panoramic view of campus while reading in the new armchairs with tablets and ottomans.

Middlebury Libraries

Davis Family Library
With holdings numbering in the hundred of thousands and 143,000 square feet of space, Middlebury's main library on Storrs Avenue has plenty of quiet spaces to study as well as dedicated facilities for collaboration. Browse the displays in the atrium, find research help at the Research Desk, or read recent journals in the comfy chairs on the Lower Level. Find research help at the Research Desk; technology support at the Technology Help Desk; writing, quantitative, & study skills help in the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Research (CTLR). The Wilson Media Lab has specialized media software and tutors who can help.

Armstrong (Science) Library
The Armstrong Library is located in Bicentennial Hall, housing 108,000 volumes and 81,000 maps, with support for biology, chemistry, biochemistry, computer science, environmental studies, geography, geology, physics, and psychology. There are comfortable places to study, group study rooms, and a computer lab.

(Bread Loaf) Davison Library
The Davison Memorial Library supports the Bread Loaf School of English adn the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference each summer. Its collection is focused on English and American literature.

Library Collections
Learn more about Special Collections, the College Archives, the Vermont Collection, Government Documents, and more.

5 Cool Things



Store Your Stuff in Library Lockers 
Get a 28-day locker at the library, where you can keep checked-out books & personal belongings. Don't forget to renew! More

Get Connected to Wireless
Connect to "MiddleburyCollege" network for a fast, secure connection. More

Browse Graphic Novels, Bestsellers, Movies, and More
The central shelving area on the main floor offers a browsing selection catering to student interests. Here you’ll find movies, graphic novels, current interest and bestsellers from the Vermont Book Shop, Middlebury yearbooks stretching all the way back to 1887, and fun reads in other languages, like Harry Potter in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

Borrow Books from Anywhere
Can't find what you're looking for at Midd? You can borrow books, articles, and more through Interlibrary Loan. More

Fax, Type, Photocopy, Scan
You already know that the library has computers and printers, but did you know we also have a free, outgoing fax machine? To send a fax, log in to the printer/copier in LIB 242 and follow the instructions here.  If you’re looking for a typewriter, try LIB 241. On the main floor, we have several microfilm machines that can print and scan. Photocopy machines are located on every floor of the library, and a color printer/photocopier on the Lower Level in room LIB 142. Scanners are located on the main floor in the carrels on the right and in the Wilson Media Lab.



Davis Family Library Map