Hello, new Middlebury student, and welcome to your libraries!
In this brief guide, we'll point you to some of the most important resources the libraries have to offer:
This is just a starting point, though, and we hope that over your career at Middlebury, you'll let us show you everything we have to offer!
The most important resource at the Middlebury College Library is the librarians! Our research experts are here to help you with any question, big or small. You can find a librarian at the Research Desk at Davis Family Library most afternoons, or you can contact us via go/AskUs/ any time.
We're available for in-depth, one-on-one research consultations as well. Whether you're looking for sources for a large research project, or just need a little help finding your way around the library, your librarians are here to help.
There are two libraries on the Vermont campus of Middlebury College: Davis Family Library, and Armstrong Library.
The the larger of the two libraries. Here you'll find most of our books, and most of our librarians! It contains books about the arts, humanities and social sciences, our browsing collections of popular works and graphic novels, DVDs and browsing collections in languages other than English. Davis Family Library also houses a wide variety of study spaces, several classrooms, and a cozy cafe.
Located in Bicentennial Hall, and is home to most books in STEM fields. It also has a classroom and study spaces, a computer lab, and is home to Middlebury's Antique Instrument Collection. Next time you find yourself in Bi Hall, be sure to stop in at Armstrong and say hello!
The Circulation Services desk is one of the main service points of the library. Located next to the entrance at both Davis Family Library and Armstrong Library, circulation staff can help you get access to items, and point you to other places in the library. At the Circulation Services desk you can:
Circulation staff are also happy to help you find your way around the library, so come say hi!
The Research Desk is the place to stop by whenever you need help with any aspect of your research. Located on the main level of Davis Family Library, the Research Desk is staffed by librarians who are ready to help with all your research questions. Whether you're looking for citation help, searching for sources, or need someone to help you navigate your research strategy, the Research Desk is an easy place to find expert help on a drop-in basis.
You can also contact the research desk over chat from the library website, or by phone at (802) 443-5496.
You'll find a variety of welcoming study spaces at Davis Family Library, ranging from comfy chairs and beanbags, to small group study rooms and peaceful nooks. We also have study carrels on all three floors, quiet study spaces and reading rooms, media viewing spaces, and a cozy coffee shop. Get comfy and settle in for a productive study session!
You can book your own private room at go/bookaroom/.
LibrarySearch is our most important tool for research, and it's a great place to start on any research task. With LibrarySearch you can search almost all of the library's collections in one place: books and e-books, videos, databases, journal and newspaper articles, and more! You'll find the LibrarySearch search box on the library's main webpage, or at go/LibrarySearch/. And if you'd like help using this or any other library resource, ask a librarian at the Research Desk at Davis Family Library, or via go/AskUs/. See go/libsearchquickref for a handout
There's a Research Guide for every subject taught at Middlebury College, designed by the subject specialist librarian to point you toward the most relevant research resources for that subject. They include links to databases, important journals and reference works, media resources, and much more. (PS: You're using one right now!)
Special Collections serve as the guardians of the college's and the library's treasures: the college archives, rare books, and the knowledge to help you find and use them. Always full of surprises, Special Collections staff love to have students come visit and explore deeply.
Go/AskUs/ is a simple way to get in touch with a Middlebury librarian, and to find answers to common questions. At go/AskUs/, you'll find a searchable FAQ, an appointment scheduler to make an appointment for a one-on-one consultation with a librarian, and ways to ask us questions via email, chat, or text message.