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Film & Media Culture

Browse library resources for the study of film and media.

MIDCAT, Interlibrary Loan, WorldCat

To search our collections for a book or video, use LibrarySearch.


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Grab a Citation!

LibrarySearch, and most online databases now have 'instant citation creators' somewhere on the page where you find your source.

In LibrarySearch, for example, just click the "quotation" icon on any item in the result list to create a citation:

Image of icons in LibrarySearch. Quotes icon represents Citation creation.

For another example, JSTOR includes a small tool box with various ways to capture citations:

Call Numbers for Film & Media Culture

PN1990-1990.92  Broadcasting (general)

PN1991-1991.92  Radio broadcasts

PN1992-1992.92  Television broadcasts

PN1992.93-1992.95  Nonbroadcast video recordings

PN1993-1999  Motion pictures

PN1997-1997.85  Screenplays, scenarios, etc.