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Browse library resources for the study of Portuguese

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Related Research Guides

Citation and Style Guide
Provides an overview of why and how we cite, as well as practical introductions to APA, Chicago/Turabian, MLA, and other citation styles. Additional information on citation management tools (Zotero, RefWords) and plagiarism is provided.

Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Studies Research Guide
Detailed list of resources for LGBT studies at Midd.

Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies Research Guide
Detailed list of resources for GSFS at Midd.

Library and Technology Guide
Take a quick tour of library and technology resources at Midd. This guide tells you the best places to study, where you can find computers, and tips for getting the most out of the library. The guide also provides a general introduction to LIS services, research basics, finding articles, books, reference sources, stats, and multimedia. Includes maps.

Reference Guide
Comprehensive list of Reference materials at Midd, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, government documents, maps, stats, and more.

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