Middlebury Institutional Repository:
Terms and Conditions
Figshare general Terms and Conditions are here.
Submission agreement for student theses and data:
- The Submitter holds original copyright to the work, including the right to use, reproduce, distribute, update, create derivatives, and make copies of the work (digitally or in print).
- The Submitter grants Middlebury permission to store and make available digitally online a copy of this work and related materials for distribution via the Internet in perpetuity.
- The Submitter understands that the copy of the original work will be posted as submitted, upon conversion to PDF format, unless I request otherwise or submit a revision.
- The Submitter grants Middlebury the right to use, reproduce, distribute, and make digital or printed copies of the work – with attribution of my authorship – in connection with digital repositories, teaching, and scholarly activities conducted at Middlebury.
- The submitter may request, in writing, the work to be removed from online access, and that Middlebury shall do so within one month of receipt of such a request upon systems in its control. I understand that various indexing & search services (such as Google) may make and cache a copy of the thesis, or the work may be downloaded and saved by other parties, making it difficult or impossible to remove completely, since said copies are not controlled by Middlebury.
- The academic department that supervised the submitted work is in agreement that this work may be posted as described.
Submission agreement for faculty open access and data:
Middlebury Open Access information page is here.
Middlebury Open Access policy is here.
- Faculty members grant Middlebury permission to exercise the copyright in their scholarly articles in order to make those articles freely available. More specifically, each faculty member grants to Middlebury a nonexclusive, worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to each of their scholarly articles, in any medium, provided that the articles are not sold for a profit, and to authorize others to do the same.
- Middlebury will grant these rights in turn to the authors themselves, so faculty authors may exercise the same rights. This applies to all scholarly articles authored or co-authored by Middlebury faculty. It does not apply to articles completed before the adoption of this policy, or to articles already under an incompatible licensing or assignment agreement at the time this policy was adopted (May 2016).
- The granting of this license will have no effect on the copyright ownership of the faculty articles, which remains with the faculty member unless they assign them to another party.
- This license is revocable at will for individual articles using the process described below. If directed by a faculty member, the Dean of the Faculty’s Office will automatically waive application of the license for particular articles or delay access for a specified period of time. Faculty members may request waivers at any time. A decision to obtain a waiver or failure to submit an article will have no bearing in annual or other reviews of faculty.
- Faculty will provide the author’s final version of each article to the Dean of the Faculty’s Office. Unless the faculty member has obtained a waiver, the Dean of the Faculty’s Office will make the article available to the public in an open-access repository. Otherwise, the article will be stored in the repository for archival purposes.
By submitting work to Middlebury Institutional Repository, you are giving consent for Middlebury to record, retain, and distribute your work under the terms selected above. You are indicating your agreement to create and sign this electronic record in accordance with Chapter 20 of Title 9 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated.