A zine (zeen), shorthand for a magazine or fanzine, is a self-published pamphlet or book, usually produced by-hand, or a photocopier, with images, texts, or collage. Zines are sort of related to Artist's Books, and to the Book Arts. Visit go.middlebury.edu/bookarts to learn more.
Special Collections has over 100 zines by students and zine artists. Visit us to see them!
Here's a small, compact 6 pager guide to download and print and here's the step-by-step.
We have more downloadable directions! Recycled Book Paper Flowers, Turkish Fold Pop-up Book, a three-hole pamphlet stitch, and a one-sheet-8-page instant book (download the illustrated guide below or watch a YouTube how-to!)
click me to open
This is a Cootie Catcher! Watch a video on YouTube to learn more.
Davis Family Library 101 (Lower Level)