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Research materials for Biochemistry available from Middlebury Library and beyond! go/biochemguide/

A few Biochemistry Books

Here are a few print and eBooks available at the library. You can find these books and more using LibrarySearch

Print Books

Our print collections are located on all levels of the Davis Library. You may browse the stacks and checkout books at the library circulation desk. While searching the stacks you will need a call number and collection location to locate an item. There are maps of Davis, but you are always welcome to ask at a service desk for further help. Remember to check the library hours

Electronic Books

The library subscribes to several databases you can use to access e-books. Remember, you can find more through LibrarySearch. While in a database you can usually apply a filter to narrow your results to just e-books.

Can't Find It at Middlebury?

If you want a book, article, or video not available through Middlebury Libraries resources, you can still get it! Consider requesting an item for purchase or through interlibrary loan. Reach out to us using our Ask a Librarian page. We can work with you to determine the best ways to meet your research needs.

Ask a Middlebury Librarian