The World Bank's Development Prospects Group conducts in-depth analysis of key global macroeconomic developments and their impact on World Bank member countries.
Published twice a year by the IMF. 'Provides an assessment of the global financial system and markets, and addresses emerging market financing in a global context...more.'
Produced by the World Bank and IMF. 'Focuses on how the world is doing in implementing the policies and actions for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and related development outcomes.'
Discontinued in 2016 but archives of past reports available at this link as well
The online reports from UN Development Programme, or just access statistical tables. Also in Print. Latest edition in Davis Family Library Reference, earlier editions in stacks HD87 .H8
Includes reports for Europe; Western Hemisphere; Asia and Pacific; Middle East and Central Asia; Sub-Saharan Africa. ' These reports discuss recent economic developments and prospects for countries in various regions. They also address economic policy developments that have affected economic performance in the regions and discuss key challenges faced by policymakers. The reports include data for countries in the regions.'
This publication is the definitive report of the United Nations on the state of the world economy. It is jointly produced by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the five United Nations Regional Commissions. It provides an overview of recent global economic performance and short-term prospects for the world economy and of some key global economic policy and development issues.
The World Economic and Social Survey (WESS) provides objective analysis of pressing long-term social and economic development issues, and discusses the positive and negative impact of corresponding policies.
This publication is continued by World Social Report
All Regions & Countries
These resources provide descriptive information and analysis about country conditions. Some statistics may be included but if you need datasets, see the Economic Statistics Guide instead.
Basic country information (similar to Europa) including background, statistics, recent election results, government officials, etc. Print: Davis Family Library Reference JA51 .S7 (latest). Earlier volumes in Stacks (back to 1866 with some gaps).
In-depth reviews of Member countries' economies and selected non-Member countries. Each issue provides a comprehensive analysis of developments in the subject country, along with individual chapters covering key economic challenges being faced and recommendations for dealing with the challenges. Includes statistical information.
Text of reports searchable from ProQuest from 2009 - present. Follow link to see available countries. Tip: search by country name and sort by latest date.
The Country Studies Series presents a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world.
Also known as "Doing Business in" [country]. Describes market conditions, trade environment (trade barriers, tariffs, etc.), business and investment environment, and more.
Published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Provides energy background and other information for many (but not all) countries around the world.
"Analyzes major aspects of Africa´s development problems and policy issues of interest to African countries." Published by UN Conference on Trade & Development. Annual 2000+
Published by the Asian Development Bank. 'Annual economic reports on the developing member countries (DMCs) of the Asian Development Bank.' It provides a 'comprehensive analysis of macroeconomic and development issues.' Some earlier years in print - Davis Family Library Stacks HC411 .A17
"Annual review of economic and social development in Asia and the Pacific. This flagship publication of ESCAP [Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific] outlines policies to sustain dynamic growth and to make it inclusive."
Published annually by OECD. "Provides an update of medium-term macroeconomic trends (including five-year projections and impact of monetary easing in OECD countries on Asia), country-specific structural policy notes and a thematic focus which varies in each volume."
Includes Russian Central Newspapers (66), Social Sciences & Humanities Periodicals (80); Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press; and Ekspert. Dates of coverage vary. Includes several English-language newspapers.
Monthly reports providing 'in-depth analysis of political, economic and social issues affecting Latin America's individual sub-regions.' Latest issues in Current Periodicals (alphabetically arranged). Earlier issues in Bound Periodicals as Latin American Newsletters. Call Number HC121 .L28
Full title: Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by Federal Reserve District. Published by the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Banks 8 times per year.
Includes articles on the transformations taking place in state government, directory of state elected officials, and numerous statistical tables on state finances and more. Online archive back to 1935.
Research and analysis on the labor force, the economy, employment, inflation, productivity, occupational injuries and illnesses, wages, prices, and more. Available online from BLS, 1982 - present. Library has 1918 to current. Current and bound periodicals HD8051 .A78 & Microfilm 206 .
Published biennially. 'Scrutinizes family incomes, jobs, wages, unemployment, wealth, poverty, and health care coverage, describing the economy's effect on our nation's standard of living.' Tables are available for download from the Economic Policy Institute. Davis Family Library Stacks HD8051 .S73