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History - African & Middle Eastern

A guide to library and quality web resources useful for Africa & Mideast history research

Need Help? Did You...

Ask for help anytime but if it's after hours and you are stuck, here are some tips:

  • Check the bibliographies of your secondary sources (to find additional secondary as well as primary sources)
  • Consult the handouts on the various tabs of this guide (lots of search tips)
  • Try LibrarySearch and Worldcat (again) but try different combinations of terms and their synonyms.  The sources you already found are good places to look for additional terms.
  • Try Hathitrust - it gives you the benefit of searching the full-text of books and documents (includes many primary sources)
  • Email your librarian / subject specialist and request a research consultation.

Primary Sources Handouts

Subject Librarian

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Brenda Ellis
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