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LibrarySearch Overview

A guide introducing the various features of the new LibrarySearch interface

Print Items

Physical items will have information listed to help you locate it. The information you need will be the building, the collection location, and the item call number. 

Location information will appear in the result list and within the individual record. You can choose to search "MIDCAT" or select the "Held by library" filter to narrow your results to primarily print items. Use the "Library" and "Location" facets to narrow your results further. 


Video demonstrating filters in LibrarySearch to search for Physical Items

Online Items

If the library has online access to a resource, there will be one or more ways to access it, depending on the type of resource and the type of access:

  • Get PDF - Downloads a pdf file directly to your computer.
  • Read Online- Goes to a web page or database with the article. Depending on the publisher/provider, various options for downloading or copying may be available
  • Available Online - Goes to the "Online access" section of the full record in LibrarySearch, which lists links to all the online options for that source. Often there is just one link, but some will have multiple links, which may be formatted differently depending on the publisher/provider

Video showing various option for accessing full text online through LibrarySearch

Journal Subscriptions

You can search journal titles to check if the library has a paid subscription to a specific periodical. You can search from the library homepage, after clicking "Journals". Or you can click "Journal by Title" from the top menu links in LibrarySearch. Look for access dates and a link into a database to confirm we have a subscription. Use go/journals/ as a shortcut to the Journal search. The search will also show print copies and you may see "Middlebury Institute" listed as a physical location, this is our Monterey campus. If the library does not have access to a journal article you are searching for please place a request with interlibrary loan

Short video modeling using the journal search from the librayr homepage and within LibrarySearch.