To save a source to Zotero:
Folder - this will allow you to ingest multiple records simultaneously (e.g. Google Scholar, JSTOR, - any place where multiple results are returned from a search) |
Record - this icon will appear at the individual article level (e.g. a single article in JSTOR) |
Newspaper - relates to a newspaper article (e.g. NY Times article) |
Book - when looking at a single book in any library catalog or in Amazon |
NOTE: If you're attempting to save sources from JSTOR, you must first agree to JSTOR's Terms of Service by clicking on "Download PDF" for one article first. After agreeing to these TOS, you can then use browser connector as normal with JSTOR to download both bibliographic information as well as PDFs.
To add a PDF (already on your computer) to Zotero:
To create a Zotero record by hand:
If this is the first time you used Zotero, please follow these steps:
If you do not see the Save to Zotero icon:
If you click on the Save to Zotero icon, but the source is not saved:
If you're using JSTOR:
If you're using a Gale database: