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History - Asian

A guide to library and quality web resources useful for Asian history research

Middlebury Special Collections & Archives

Middlebury College has a variety of primary source material in Special Collections & Archives in the Davis Family Library.  There are several ways to find their resources:

MIDCAT (Library Catalog)
Use the drop down menu on the main page to limit to Special Collections

illustration only:
Midcat search bar
This only includes items in published form such as books, periodicals, and media. Use options below for unpublished material.

Searchable database of finding aids listing unique, historical items—such as manuscripts, letters, reports, diaries, and photographs found in the Special Collections and Archives collections.  For items that have been scanned see options under the Digital Collections page.

Digital Collections page
Several database options for searching a growing number of full-text of documents from Middlebury's Special Collections & Archives.