Middlebury (MDY) is a free lender of ILL materials. We accept requests via the following methods:
Vermont Libraries may submit requests to Middlebury using Clover, the Vermont statewide ILL system. Our Clover code is M58c, and we participate in the Clover Courier.
If you’re unsure how to request items through Clover, please contact the Vermont Department of Libraries (April.Shaw@vermont.gov) for more information.
If your institution does not use OCLC and would like to place a request with Middlebury, please try using our ILLiad Lending Web Pages to submit your request. If your library does not yet have an ILLiad account at Middlebury, you may obtain one by emailing your request for a username and password to Middlebury's ILL staff. Please send your contact information (email, address, phone number, librarian name, etc) along with your inquiry, so we can add you into our system.
Once you have a username and password, you may submit all of your future ILL requests through our ILLiad Lending Web Pages. Feel free to contact us directly with questions (MDYILL@middlebury.edu or 802.443.2009).