Renewals can be requested two ways:
Use the dropdown menu next to your name to access “My Loans”. ..
Find the Item you want to renew from the list of items checked out to you. Each item will either be renewable or not. Click on the RENEW button to submit a request for renewal. (Items are not renewable until close to the due date.)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at extension (802) 443-4598 or
The material is unable to be renewed or has already been denied for renewal; not all libraries allow renewals. If you still need the material, please submit a new ILL request for it, and we'll try to locate another copy for you.
Renewals are allowed based on the Lenders policies and system and item type.
System |
Loan Period |
Renewals? |
30-60 days (varies) |
Varies |
ILL items may be recalled at anytime (prior to the due date) by the lending library.
When you renew an ILLiad item, we send a request to the lender asking for a renewal. Each lender has its own policies and thus there will be different loan periods depending on the lender who provided the item. Keep the book while we process the request. We will e-mail you with a renewal approved or denied response and your new due date.
The renewal request is sent to the lending library. You will receive an email letting you know whether the item was renewed and the due date.
If you still need this material and your renewal was denied, please submit a new ILL request for it, and we will try to locate a different copy for you. You can clone an existing request in ILLiad to reorder quickly!